2019 Tour - York
And another great tour has been and gone. A game or two of bowls and of course fun and laughter, was the aim of this tour and it was achieved in bucketfuls. We had all the stalwarts and welcomed two tour virgins who are looking forward to more of the same.
Monday 29th July
We left the club on time and made our way to Wheatlands Lodge Hotel York. The traffic was good and we made good time, even stopping for an hour’s break at the Services.After a substantial buffet lunch we made our way to our first games. Team A went to Dunnington BC (Captain Steve) whilst Team B went to Copmanthorpe BC (Captain Veronica). Thankfully there was no repeat of last year’s bad weather so both teams had a full 18 ends each. At Dunnington we started off with a Spider and Jim won a bottle of whisky, Kath then went on to win a bottle of wine on the raffle, hope it doesn’t turn them alcoholic. After a shower and change it was down to dinner and the hotel did us proud with five course meals each evening. The guesser was won by Jill with Harold and Cynthia coming joint second. The Captain’s envelope was the lowest scoring drawing rink with no overall winner, the closest was Steve Spencer’s at Dunnington and Gill Fry’s at Copmanthorpe. The proceeds were duly given out to the players. |
Tuesday 30th July
The morning was free so it resulted in a few of us walking into York for a quick look around. We then set off for two more games this time to Poppleton BC (Captain Barbara) and York RI BC (Captain Charles). Bad weather seems to follow us and York RI team only managed to get in 14/15 ends before the heavens opened, we did bowl in the thunder and lightning though. The bar was open, so no problem, and they also plied us with copious tea and biscuits. The guesser winner this day was Cynthia, how does a non player manage to guess the correct score!! Barbara came second and Sandra third, beginner’s luck there. The Captain’s envelope was Highest Scoring Rink with Margaret Morris’ rink winning at York RI and Jan Bruton’s rink at Poppleton. |
Wednesday 31st July
Colin gave us this day off when we all went our different ways. I don’t know about a day off for Colin as he arranged for us to take a trip on the North Yorkshire Steam Railway. This was a lovely day out, even allowing for the rain, and great to listen to the chug chug of the engine and the whistle blowing. To us oldies it was good to reminisce. In our carriage we had an experienced train driver and he could give us inside information, well done Roy. For the film buffs this is the station used for Hogwarts from Harry Potter. In the evening Sandra and Sally tried to teach us a new card game, the fact that they didn’t know what it was called was immaterial but I do think they made up the rules as they went along !! |
Thursday 1st August
It was back to bowling this day, to Harrogate BC (Captain Malcolm ) and Bishop Monkton (Captain Roy). A member from Harrogate is a bit of a poet and wrote us a poem called A Northern Adventure, you can read this on the ????? page. Sorry to say these games were lost again, must be all the travelling, good food and drinking that does it! After last year I thought we couldn’t better the journey back, but who am I? After lots of diversions we managed to get back for a quick change of clothes and down for our final meal. The entertainment at the hotel that evening was Bingo and a raffle, we enjoyed it but I think the other guests didn’t as we won all of the games except for one and Tony won the raffle. Ah well. Today’s guesser winner was Shirley Cromie and Kay Williams with the Highest Drawing Game going to Steve’s and Veronica’s teams respectively. |
Friday 2nd August
We had to say a sad farewell to the hotel, but two more games beckoned, Selby BC (Captain Colin) and Riccall BC (Captain Tony) before a hearty lunch at Selby and our journey home. The guesser was won by Barbara Bubb and Kay Williams with the captain’s choice of lowest margin winning rink going to Veronica Baldwin’s team and Colin Brutons. Another successful tour was over in a trice but thanks to Colin and Jan we can look forward to the 2020 tour to the Isle of Wight. If you want to join us put your name down to register your interest. |
Thanks Colin and Jan, you do us proud.
A coach full of bowlers gathered their woods With the purpose of venturing forth. They packed up their raincoats, umbrellas and gloves And set off to conquer The North. They burned up the motorway, ate up the miles, Maybe stopped for a coffee at Costa. And all the time travelling further away From their beautiful county of Gloucester. They’d left behind villages, rivers and hills, A cathedral – and much more as well, And travelled the best part of 200 miles To the place where the Northerners dwell! Well, dear fellow bowlers, you’ve made a good choice, Because we’ve much to offer up here: Spectacular moorland, The Great Yorkshire Show, Betty’s Tea Room - and shed-loads of beer. We’ve the beautiful Stray which envelops the town, Farrah’s toffee and Harrogate blue cheese. The great Tour de Yorkshire, spa water, “Plus Net”, And honey from real Yorkshire bees. |
Our county’s spawned more top-class cricketers
Than you’re likely to find anywhere. But your city is older, we’ll let you have that, And Eddie the Eagle lived there. But look at the things that unite us: Our cathedrals, our cricket, and more. Our passion for rugby (though not the same kind) And maddening tourists galore! And there’s one thing we all have in common – And that’s an affection for bowls. It’s more than a game – it’s a friendship thing too, And it’s good for our hearts and our souls. So, as I come to the end of my ditty, I really can’t say it more plain Than to wish you a good and a safe journey home And to ask you to: Please Come Again! |