Club History
Playing Dividends
2012 marks the 65th anniversary of the Gloucester & Severnside Co-op Bowling Club. The first match was played in August 1947, although that was by a team from the Sports & Social Club rather than by a distinct bowls section. It was to be many years before a regular fixture list was in place, while the green at Sisson Road was not set out until 1964.
In writing this history I have made use of bowling club records from 1987 and those of the Sports & Social Club 1933-75. Lionel Davis, Club President, has contributed his memories. Unfortunately no club records prior to 1987 have survived, while those relating to matches played have only been kept systematically for very recent years. Bowls is an ancient sport and there are a number of references to it in Gloucestershire in Tudor times; so I have prefaced my account of Co-op club history with a look at the origins of the sport and its development in Gloucestershire.
Peter E. Bloomfield - Club Historian (March 2012)
In writing this history I have made use of bowling club records from 1987 and those of the Sports & Social Club 1933-75. Lionel Davis, Club President, has contributed his memories. Unfortunately no club records prior to 1987 have survived, while those relating to matches played have only been kept systematically for very recent years. Bowls is an ancient sport and there are a number of references to it in Gloucestershire in Tudor times; so I have prefaced my account of Co-op club history with a look at the origins of the sport and its development in Gloucestershire.
Peter E. Bloomfield - Club Historian (March 2012)
An Ancient Sport: Bowling in Gloucestershire in times past
History has many legends. Generations of children grew up with the story of King Alfred burning the cakes, Canute trying to hold back the tide and one that takes us back many centuries to the game of bowls. In 1588, so the story goes, Sir Francis Drake was on Plymouth Hoe and about to deliver a wood when news was brought to him of the approach of the Spanish Armada. “Time”, Drake said, “to finish our game and then beat the Dons!” With which he continued his game and went on to send in the fire ships off Calais that destroyed the plans of King Phillip of Spain to invade England.
So, bowls was an established game in the reign of Queen Elizabeth 1st; indeed, it is much older than that. There is a drawing in the Royal Library at Windsor, of 13th century date, in which two players are shown aiming at a small cone. Prior to this, in his biography of Thomas Becket, written circa 1190, William Fitzherbert refers to “casting of stones”. The claim for being the oldest bowling green in the country, indeed in the world, is made by the Southampton [Old Green] Bowling Club. Here, it is said, bowls has been played continuously “since prior to A.D. 1299”, when a “Master of the Green” was appointed. The green was on a site in an ancient part of the City known in Medieval times as “the Saltmarsh” and, it is claimed, the lawn on which bowls was played was laid in 1187. King Edward III (reigned 1272-1307) had his Parliament pass laws to prevent men from playing bowls when they should be practising archery to ensure they were fit and trained in the event of war.
In these medieval times the bowls that were used were wooden and without the bias that is such a notable feature of the later “woods”. The credit for introducing bias is given to Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk (c.1484-1545), a courtier and favourite of King Henry VIII, and his brother-in-law through his marriage to his sister, Mary Tudor. He had managed to shatter one of his bowls when it was “fired” down the green. So he replaced it with an ornamental bowl sawn off a convenient banister rail! This, because it had a “flat” side, took a different path to the straight woods in play, enabling him to take the green to run past them.
So, bowls was an established game in the reign of Queen Elizabeth 1st; indeed, it is much older than that. There is a drawing in the Royal Library at Windsor, of 13th century date, in which two players are shown aiming at a small cone. Prior to this, in his biography of Thomas Becket, written circa 1190, William Fitzherbert refers to “casting of stones”. The claim for being the oldest bowling green in the country, indeed in the world, is made by the Southampton [Old Green] Bowling Club. Here, it is said, bowls has been played continuously “since prior to A.D. 1299”, when a “Master of the Green” was appointed. The green was on a site in an ancient part of the City known in Medieval times as “the Saltmarsh” and, it is claimed, the lawn on which bowls was played was laid in 1187. King Edward III (reigned 1272-1307) had his Parliament pass laws to prevent men from playing bowls when they should be practising archery to ensure they were fit and trained in the event of war.
In these medieval times the bowls that were used were wooden and without the bias that is such a notable feature of the later “woods”. The credit for introducing bias is given to Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk (c.1484-1545), a courtier and favourite of King Henry VIII, and his brother-in-law through his marriage to his sister, Mary Tudor. He had managed to shatter one of his bowls when it was “fired” down the green. So he replaced it with an ornamental bowl sawn off a convenient banister rail! This, because it had a “flat” side, took a different path to the straight woods in play, enabling him to take the green to run past them.
The oldest green in Gloucestershire where bowls is still played is Painswick Falcon, which celebrated its 450th anniversary in 2004 – although the modern club dates from the early 20th century – on the basis that the Inn was founded circa 1554, at which time bowling and cock-fighting took place adjacent to the building.
Painswick Falcon Bowling Club – there is an old photograph in the clubhouse, dated 1870, showing the thatched shelter with players in front sporting straw boaters. The un-named green keeper, complete with broom, is to one side!
In Gloucester there is an early reference to it being played in Tudor times in the City Records. Early in the following century it is mentioned in the Gloucester Diocesan records when one Matheus Knight of Slimbridge was brought before the Diocesan Court in 1603 having been “detected for playinge at bowles upon the sabath dayes at servis tyme.” He confessed “that he & others did bowle upon sonday the xxviith of August laste after dynner, but whether it were at s(er)vis tyme or not he cannot tell”.
In 1628, a green was opened at the Long Butts, outside the south side of the City wall, as an attraction for visitors. Another reference occurs in September 1636 when the Corporation Minutes record: “It is also agreed that Mr. William Kinge shall have leave to digge the bauke over against the bowleinge greene & to make the way there …” A green was destroyed during the Siege of Gloucester in 1643 and the “bowling greene” is amongst various properties listed in the Chamberlain’s Accounts in 1644 for which rents could not be collected, in this case because the area was “dig(ge)d up in p(ar)te for the fortifications”. Bowling was popular with Stuart Monarchs. The ill-fated King Charles 1 famously played bowls whilst held prisoner in Carisbrooke Castle on the Isle of Wight in 1648 and his son, the “Merrie Monarch” King Charles II, was also an aficionado of the sport and drew up the first set of bowls rules.
Painswick Falcon Bowling Club – there is an old photograph in the clubhouse, dated 1870, showing the thatched shelter with players in front sporting straw boaters. The un-named green keeper, complete with broom, is to one side!
In Gloucester there is an early reference to it being played in Tudor times in the City Records. Early in the following century it is mentioned in the Gloucester Diocesan records when one Matheus Knight of Slimbridge was brought before the Diocesan Court in 1603 having been “detected for playinge at bowles upon the sabath dayes at servis tyme.” He confessed “that he & others did bowle upon sonday the xxviith of August laste after dynner, but whether it were at s(er)vis tyme or not he cannot tell”.
In 1628, a green was opened at the Long Butts, outside the south side of the City wall, as an attraction for visitors. Another reference occurs in September 1636 when the Corporation Minutes record: “It is also agreed that Mr. William Kinge shall have leave to digge the bauke over against the bowleinge greene & to make the way there …” A green was destroyed during the Siege of Gloucester in 1643 and the “bowling greene” is amongst various properties listed in the Chamberlain’s Accounts in 1644 for which rents could not be collected, in this case because the area was “dig(ge)d up in p(ar)te for the fortifications”. Bowling was popular with Stuart Monarchs. The ill-fated King Charles 1 famously played bowls whilst held prisoner in Carisbrooke Castle on the Isle of Wight in 1648 and his son, the “Merrie Monarch” King Charles II, was also an aficionado of the sport and drew up the first set of bowls rules.
In Gloucester, a green in the grounds of Greyfriars was in use by 1714; the more recent club, which closed in September 2003, was established in 1921. James Kimber established a bowling green and tea garden in Barton Street in 1812, later known as Vauxhall Gardens. The green behind the Vauxhall Inn continued in use well into the 20th century and was at one time the home of Caer Glow Bowling Club, who shared the Co-op green from 1982. A Bowling Club was established at Gloucester Spa in 1866.
A notable step forwards for the development of the game of bowls in England came in 1903 with the establishment of the English Bowling Association [EBA]. Amongst its founding members was the famous Gloucestershire and England cricketer, W.G. Grace. Although better known for his prowess with bat and ball, Grace was also a very keen bowler. He was President of the EBA from 1903-05.
Meanwhile, the Gloucester Bowling Club had been founded in 1897 as the Park End Bowling Club with its green behind the Park End Hotel. Renamed in 1901, it continued on that site, with a break during World War II, until 1967 when it had to make way for an extension to the Hotel. From 1969 to 1989 it shared the green in Hucclecote used by the Pineholt Bowling club, after which, without its own premises, numbers declined so that in 1997 it went into ‘suspended animation’ after celebrating its centenary. Its members had by this time joined other clubs, with a number signing on with the Gloucester & Severnside Co-op club.
Another old club is Gloucester Spa, which was formed in 1920. The Citizen [15 May] carries a report of their first game, against Kingsholm on a “public green”, which Spa won by eight shots. Winget Bowling Club can trace its origins even further back, to the Gloucester Wagon Works site in Tuffley Park in 1912. A very unusual feature of that club is the old railway carriage which is used as a changing room. There is a report in The Citizen [14 June 2011] which describes it as“the only original Argentinean railway carriage left from Gloucester’s famous Wagon Works Company”. It was recovered from a ship that was carrying rolling stock but sank.
Today the Gloucester & Severnside Co-op is one of several bowling clubs still active in the Gloucester area, the others being Caer Glow, Gloucester City, Gloucester Spa, Barnwood, EDF (previously British Energy), Pineholt, Sir Thomas Rich’s, Churchdown and Winget. Sadly, Greyfriars folded in 2003 and Woodlawns (Brockworth) in 2004, while Gloucester Civil Service had its last season in 2011, the latter a victim of cuts in Government expenditure. EDF (previously British Energy) stopped playing after the 2020 season when the company announced plans to relocate their offices.
A notable step forwards for the development of the game of bowls in England came in 1903 with the establishment of the English Bowling Association [EBA]. Amongst its founding members was the famous Gloucestershire and England cricketer, W.G. Grace. Although better known for his prowess with bat and ball, Grace was also a very keen bowler. He was President of the EBA from 1903-05.
Meanwhile, the Gloucester Bowling Club had been founded in 1897 as the Park End Bowling Club with its green behind the Park End Hotel. Renamed in 1901, it continued on that site, with a break during World War II, until 1967 when it had to make way for an extension to the Hotel. From 1969 to 1989 it shared the green in Hucclecote used by the Pineholt Bowling club, after which, without its own premises, numbers declined so that in 1997 it went into ‘suspended animation’ after celebrating its centenary. Its members had by this time joined other clubs, with a number signing on with the Gloucester & Severnside Co-op club.
Another old club is Gloucester Spa, which was formed in 1920. The Citizen [15 May] carries a report of their first game, against Kingsholm on a “public green”, which Spa won by eight shots. Winget Bowling Club can trace its origins even further back, to the Gloucester Wagon Works site in Tuffley Park in 1912. A very unusual feature of that club is the old railway carriage which is used as a changing room. There is a report in The Citizen [14 June 2011] which describes it as“the only original Argentinean railway carriage left from Gloucester’s famous Wagon Works Company”. It was recovered from a ship that was carrying rolling stock but sank.
Today the Gloucester & Severnside Co-op is one of several bowling clubs still active in the Gloucester area, the others being Caer Glow, Gloucester City, Gloucester Spa, Barnwood, EDF (previously British Energy), Pineholt, Sir Thomas Rich’s, Churchdown and Winget. Sadly, Greyfriars folded in 2003 and Woodlawns (Brockworth) in 2004, while Gloucester Civil Service had its last season in 2011, the latter a victim of cuts in Government expenditure. EDF (previously British Energy) stopped playing after the 2020 season when the company announced plans to relocate their offices.
Gloucester Co-op Bowls: Early Days
The origins of the ‘Co-op’ club can be traced to a match arranged against the British Workers Sports Association [BWSA] in August 1947. There had been an earlier attempt to set up a Bowls Section in 1939, as recorded in the Gloucester Co-operative Employees Sports and Social Club Minute Book: “May 1st. Mr. Webb drew attention to the possibility of forming a bowling section”. A circular letter was sent out to branches and departments for names of those interested, and fourteen positive replies were received. It was then proposed on 5th June that the matter “‘be held in abeyance until there is evidence of greater support”, but an amendment was carried, by the casting vote of the Chairman, “that a portion of the ground be laid out, not expensively, for use on nights other than Cricket nights”. A sub-committee was formed “to consider fully this matter and report progress”. This met three times and reported to the monthly meeting of 31st July, drawing attention to “ such snags as increased ground maintenance costs, wiring and costs of banking a green, removal of concrete cricket pitch (and the) possibility of retaining interest”. At this point it was “resolved to let this matter lie on the table for the time being.”
A few weeks later and the outbreak of the Second World War focused minds on other things. Not until January 1947 was the idea of playing bowls revived when a meeting of the Club held on the 7th was presented with a letter from the BWSA asking for a fixture. This was arranged for 14th August, to be played on the Spa Bowling Green. It was resolved that “Mr. A Jones be captain and make arrangements for 24 players together with Mr. E. Davis (vice-chairman) as helper” [28 April]. Progress was reported on 27th May, when it was “resolved that badges be purchased and presented to the BWSA team – as is customary in Bowls fixtures”. At a meeting on 16th June it was “unanimously resolved to present Mr. L. Y. Currall with a set of bowling woods, inscribed with his initials, in view of his past services.” The match was duly played and reported to the September meeting as “successful”, although the result, alas, is not, given. Mr. Hawker presented Mr. Currall with his set of woods on the bowling green. The meeting confirmed the action of the Secretary “in ordering a further 12 badges as mementoes and also in paying bills for the ‘greens’ and catering.”
Meanwhile, on 28th July, another match had been agreed against a team from the Coventry Co-op, when “it was resolved that Matson Bowling Club be approached to hire the green” in return for a donation of £2.2s.0d. By November the Gloucester Co-op was again looking at setting out its own green: “The Chairman drew attention to the question of a natural bowling green; after some discussion the Secretary was instructed to call in the advice of Mr. Restall (Glos. Wagon Co.) re the use of say two rinks only at Sisson Road.” [4th November]. However, nothing came of this because “the costs would be approx £300-£400 – needed constant attention etc. and it would not be a paying proposition”, and it was “decided to hold the question of a bowling green in abeyance.” [17th February 1948].
The next reference to a bowls match occurs in September 1949, when the Gloucester Co-op played, and defeated, the Cardiff Co-op Society on Gloucester Spa green [Minutes 6th & 20th]. The following year a match was played on 5th July against a touring side from Plymouth Co-op, again on the Spa green [Minutes 7th February]. After this, there is no mention of bowls, or fixtures are simply not recorded.
A few weeks later and the outbreak of the Second World War focused minds on other things. Not until January 1947 was the idea of playing bowls revived when a meeting of the Club held on the 7th was presented with a letter from the BWSA asking for a fixture. This was arranged for 14th August, to be played on the Spa Bowling Green. It was resolved that “Mr. A Jones be captain and make arrangements for 24 players together with Mr. E. Davis (vice-chairman) as helper” [28 April]. Progress was reported on 27th May, when it was “resolved that badges be purchased and presented to the BWSA team – as is customary in Bowls fixtures”. At a meeting on 16th June it was “unanimously resolved to present Mr. L. Y. Currall with a set of bowling woods, inscribed with his initials, in view of his past services.” The match was duly played and reported to the September meeting as “successful”, although the result, alas, is not, given. Mr. Hawker presented Mr. Currall with his set of woods on the bowling green. The meeting confirmed the action of the Secretary “in ordering a further 12 badges as mementoes and also in paying bills for the ‘greens’ and catering.”
Meanwhile, on 28th July, another match had been agreed against a team from the Coventry Co-op, when “it was resolved that Matson Bowling Club be approached to hire the green” in return for a donation of £2.2s.0d. By November the Gloucester Co-op was again looking at setting out its own green: “The Chairman drew attention to the question of a natural bowling green; after some discussion the Secretary was instructed to call in the advice of Mr. Restall (Glos. Wagon Co.) re the use of say two rinks only at Sisson Road.” [4th November]. However, nothing came of this because “the costs would be approx £300-£400 – needed constant attention etc. and it would not be a paying proposition”, and it was “decided to hold the question of a bowling green in abeyance.” [17th February 1948].
The next reference to a bowls match occurs in September 1949, when the Gloucester Co-op played, and defeated, the Cardiff Co-op Society on Gloucester Spa green [Minutes 6th & 20th]. The following year a match was played on 5th July against a touring side from Plymouth Co-op, again on the Spa green [Minutes 7th February]. After this, there is no mention of bowls, or fixtures are simply not recorded.
A Bowls Section is formed
Fourteen years went by until the next significant event in the Club History came in 1964. At the Annual General Meeting of the Sports & Social Club, held at the Guildhall on Tuesday 28th July, it is recorded that “Mr. Galling thanked Mr. Ball for arranging several matches which everyone seemed to enjoy.” It was then agreed, 25 years after it has been first proposed, “that a Bowls Section be officially formed”. The resolution was put forward by George White, who was later to become President and Chairman of the Club. It would appear that some rinks were set out at Sisson Road at this point, Mr. Davis reporting to the Committee in April 1965 “that the ground was progressing quite well; he had had no complaints so far.” On 18th August the Committee agreed that a grant of £15 be made available to the new section. Evidently several matches were played the following year, as it was recorded, on 3rd August, that “The Bowls matches had been enjoyed by the players although to date they had not won a match, it was not for the lack of interest or enthusiasm.” By the autumn of 1967 things seem to have been going well, the season having been “the most successful as yet”. However, the increased cost of a bowling green meant that the section would have to raise extra funds, and the Committee duly approved a request for a Dance [13th October].
In 1968 the Club was looking to build a new pavilion and it was agreed to move the cricket and football pitches to give more scope for the development of the bowls green [Minutes, 11th November]. It was about this time that Lionel Davis, who was later to be Captain and then President of the Bowls Club, took up the sport. He recalled that most of the early games were played at Barnwood Bowling Club, the green at Sisson Road being a two-rinker used for roll-ups. The Section was proving a success and the Committee, on 28th September 1969, congratulated them on their “growing prestige” and the “tremendous job being done at Sisson Road”. By 1969, the new hut was “beginning to take shape” [2nd March] and in May 1970 it was resolved that “Mr. Davis would have control of the Bowling Green”. [26th May]. It is recorded that Mr. Harris would “attend to surrounds and the weeding around the bowling green” while “Mr. Butler offered his services to Mr. Davis wherever possible.” Bill Harris and Roy Butler were both to become Chairman of the Bowls Club and to be commemorated by 4-wood competitions played for trophies named after them. The same meeting agreed to purchase a sprinkler and spiker. Despite on-going problems with weeds the season was a successful one.
Weeds continued to be an issue in 1971, but by January 1972 they seem to have been brought under control, Mr. Davis reporting that “he was extremely pleased with the progress of the new grass” [24th January]. Work on the hut, though, was very slow. The “large room and kitchen” were nearing completion by the spring of 1973 [Minutes, 5th March] and the first stage was completed by August. Roy Butler [Chairman of the Sports & Social Club] said “that at long last he could achieve an ambition by having been able to pull a pint of beer at Sisson Road.” [11th August]. It is clear that proper fixtures were now taking place, although the absence of surviving records prior to the late 1980s does not admit of any specific references to them.
Weeds continued to be an issue in 1971, but by January 1972 they seem to have been brought under control, Mr. Davis reporting that “he was extremely pleased with the progress of the new grass” [24th January]. Work on the hut, though, was very slow. The “large room and kitchen” were nearing completion by the spring of 1973 [Minutes, 5th March] and the first stage was completed by August. Roy Butler [Chairman of the Sports & Social Club] said “that at long last he could achieve an ambition by having been able to pull a pint of beer at Sisson Road.” [11th August]. It is clear that proper fixtures were now taking place, although the absence of surviving records prior to the late 1980s does not admit of any specific references to them.
Lionel Davis recalled that these early games played at Sisson Road were on a rather bumpy 5-rink green, which had been created through a great deal of hard work over an 18 month period. Tennis courts and a concrete cricket pitch used to be on the site. Lionel would go up to Sisson Road at 10 o’clock in the morning and not return home until 4 or 5 o’clock in the afternoon. He was assisted by Arthur (Andy) Andrews [who was later Secretary, Captain and President of the Bowls Club], George Hudson [Fixtures Secretary for the County] and the Vining brothers [contracted labour]. They used a Ferguson Tractor over the weekends, shifting a massive amount of dirt, and had a great problem with gravel, which would be washed to the surface after a storm.
Andy Andrews was Club President 2004-06 and Vice-President 1996-2003. He served as Club Captain in 1975, 1979-88 and 1988-89, and was Secretary in 1977, 1989-91 and 1994-95
Andy Andrews was Club President 2004-06 and Vice-President 1996-2003. He served as Club Captain in 1975, 1979-88 and 1988-89, and was Secretary in 1977, 1989-91 and 1994-95
An Established Club
The first formal game at Sisson Road was played on 14th May 1973 against Churchdown under the captaincy of Lionel Davis.
Lionel Davis, pictured with the chain of office as President of Gloucester Indoor Bowling Club, 1988-89.
Lionel succeeded Andy Andrews as Co-op Club President in 2004. He had been involved with the Co-operative Society Sports & Social activities since coming out of the Royal Navy in 1951. For many years he served as Greens Adviser for the Gloucester section of the GBA.
Watering problems meant that the green could only be used for three more matches that year, the remainder being played at Barnwood. The problem stemmed from a four inch water main that supplied the laundry opposite, so that Lionel would have to go up at 11 or 12 o’clock at night to water the green. Full use of the Sisson Road Green only resumed in 1974. It survived the great drought of 1976 when Lionel would be up there watering the green until 1 o’clock in the morning. Unfortunately no records survive of how the club fared in its fixtures through the late seventies and well into the eighties.
In April 1982 Caer Glow [formerly the Vauxhall Bowling Club with their green at the hostelry of that name] came to Sisson Road to share the green with the Co-op. They had been playing at Gloucester Spa after their green in Barton Street was enclosed for a car park.
There were now three clubs with an interest in the facilities at Sisson Road: the Gloucester & Severnside Co-op Sports & Social Club, the Gloucester & Severnside Co-op Bowling Club, and Caer Glow Bowling Club. To ensure that club facilities were managed and maintained a Joint Management Committee (JMC) was set up.
In 1984 a grant of £18,000 was obtained from the Co-operative Society and in January 1985 planning permission was secured for a new Club House. This had been completed by June of that year. The green was extended by one rink towards the club house and one towards the Sports Field. According to Lionel Davis, the peculiar runs that can occur on these rinks and also (depending on the settings) on rink 2 are due to a drainage ditch that has soil on top of gravel.
On 18 November 1986 the Club lost its President, Cyril Barnfield, who died suddenly at his home in Gloucester age 79. He had been active in the Co-operative movement in Gloucestershire for 65 years and had been appointed President of the Gloucester & Severnside Co-op Society in 1976.
On 11th May 1987 the green was approved for use for County Competitions, except for two rinks, and approval for these was given in May 1989. In November the Committee agreed that Friday should be reserved as an official ‘roll up’ evening for Co-op members, which could include instruction sessions. In December of that year a Greens Committee of six was set up as the JMC had expressed concern over the upkeep of the green. It included two green keepers, Lionel Davis being the green keeper for the Co-op. The AGM in November 1988 adopted a Constitution and Playing Rules. By 1989 membership had increased substantially and there were 47 male members and 18 ladies.
Lionel Davis, pictured with the chain of office as President of Gloucester Indoor Bowling Club, 1988-89.
Lionel succeeded Andy Andrews as Co-op Club President in 2004. He had been involved with the Co-operative Society Sports & Social activities since coming out of the Royal Navy in 1951. For many years he served as Greens Adviser for the Gloucester section of the GBA.
Watering problems meant that the green could only be used for three more matches that year, the remainder being played at Barnwood. The problem stemmed from a four inch water main that supplied the laundry opposite, so that Lionel would have to go up at 11 or 12 o’clock at night to water the green. Full use of the Sisson Road Green only resumed in 1974. It survived the great drought of 1976 when Lionel would be up there watering the green until 1 o’clock in the morning. Unfortunately no records survive of how the club fared in its fixtures through the late seventies and well into the eighties.
In April 1982 Caer Glow [formerly the Vauxhall Bowling Club with their green at the hostelry of that name] came to Sisson Road to share the green with the Co-op. They had been playing at Gloucester Spa after their green in Barton Street was enclosed for a car park.
There were now three clubs with an interest in the facilities at Sisson Road: the Gloucester & Severnside Co-op Sports & Social Club, the Gloucester & Severnside Co-op Bowling Club, and Caer Glow Bowling Club. To ensure that club facilities were managed and maintained a Joint Management Committee (JMC) was set up.
In 1984 a grant of £18,000 was obtained from the Co-operative Society and in January 1985 planning permission was secured for a new Club House. This had been completed by June of that year. The green was extended by one rink towards the club house and one towards the Sports Field. According to Lionel Davis, the peculiar runs that can occur on these rinks and also (depending on the settings) on rink 2 are due to a drainage ditch that has soil on top of gravel.
On 18 November 1986 the Club lost its President, Cyril Barnfield, who died suddenly at his home in Gloucester age 79. He had been active in the Co-operative movement in Gloucestershire for 65 years and had been appointed President of the Gloucester & Severnside Co-op Society in 1976.
On 11th May 1987 the green was approved for use for County Competitions, except for two rinks, and approval for these was given in May 1989. In November the Committee agreed that Friday should be reserved as an official ‘roll up’ evening for Co-op members, which could include instruction sessions. In December of that year a Greens Committee of six was set up as the JMC had expressed concern over the upkeep of the green. It included two green keepers, Lionel Davis being the green keeper for the Co-op. The AGM in November 1988 adopted a Constitution and Playing Rules. By 1989 membership had increased substantially and there were 47 male members and 18 ladies.
Progress in the Nineties
A number of successful bowls tours were organised during this period. They were based in Torquay 1992, Newquay 1994, Bournemouth 1995, the Isle of Wight 1996, Ilfracombe 1997 and Mortehoe (North Devon) 1999.
Other features of the nineties were the formation of a joint Co-op/Caer Glow Senior Citizens team in 1995, and entry by Co-op men into the County two-rink league and cup competitions, while Co-op Ladies entered the Ladies League. It was during one of these early County games that Ron Gardner and Reg Webb, who were of a height, acquired the nickname of “book ends” – in which they delighted. Looking down the green from his position as skip of their rink, Mike Stokes, seeing the two standing still on each side of the jack, called down: “You two look just like a couple of book ends standing there!”
The 21st century
Special anniversaries
The Gloucester & Severnside Co-op Bowling Club celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2007 and its 65th in 2012. To mark the Diamond Anniversary on Sunday 19th August 2007 – Club President’s Day - a club photograph was taken minutes before it started to rain!
2007 was also a significant one for outdoor bowls on the national scene, seeing the inaugural meeting of ‘Bowls England’, which brought together the English Bowling Association and the English Women’s Bowling Association into one organization. The new flag was blessed by the Dean of Gloucester at a special service in the Cathedral in the following year.
2007 was also a significant one for outdoor bowls on the national scene, seeing the inaugural meeting of ‘Bowls England’, which brought together the English Bowling Association and the English Women’s Bowling Association into one organization. The new flag was blessed by the Dean of Gloucester at a special service in the Cathedral in the following year.
Gloucester & Severnside Co-op Members on President’s Day 16th August 2007
Back row: Charles Wallace, Brian Elkins, Marion Simpson, Dennis Baker, Peter Elkins, Pam Bloomfield, Kath Oates (mostly hidden), Pat Boaler, Iris Wadley, Tony Morris, Margaret Morris, Simon Allsopp, Pete McKenna, Danny Bower, Roy Allen, Terry Yardley, Jim Oates, Colin Bruton.
Front row: Peter Bloomfield, Margaret Wallace, Veronica Baldwin, Ron Gardner, Lionel Davis, Sylvia Webb, Reg Webb, Jan Bruton.
Back row: Charles Wallace, Brian Elkins, Marion Simpson, Dennis Baker, Peter Elkins, Pam Bloomfield, Kath Oates (mostly hidden), Pat Boaler, Iris Wadley, Tony Morris, Margaret Morris, Simon Allsopp, Pete McKenna, Danny Bower, Roy Allen, Terry Yardley, Jim Oates, Colin Bruton.
Front row: Peter Bloomfield, Margaret Wallace, Veronica Baldwin, Ron Gardner, Lionel Davis, Sylvia Webb, Reg Webb, Jan Bruton.
Many bowling clubs have struggled to maintain viable membership numbers in the new Millennium, something that was highlighted by Tony Allcock, Chief Executive of the English Bowling Association, in 2004. At that point the Co-op had just 38 members, down 7 from the previous year. For the next few seasons membership hovered around the 40 mark, but in 2011 increased to 48, mainly due to the sad demise of Gloucester Civil Service, ten of whose members transferred to the Co-op club.
On tour
The club marked the new Millennium with a tour to Scotland from 25 August to 3 September 2000. It was based at the Rosemount Hotel, Pitlochry, and, apart from the bowling, featured visits to the Scottish Liqueur Centre, Caithness Glass near Perth, the Aberfeldy Distillery and Blair Athol Castle. Members played at eight different bowling clubs. The tour, organised by club Chairman Derek Shergold, was reckoned a great success, even though several members had to seek medical attention through a variety of accidents – nothing to do with the availability of good Scotch whisky, or so it was said!
Members continued to enjoy the regular bowls tours, the Scottish tour being followed by a visit to Mortehoe in 2001. One of the fixtures was at Coombe Martin, of which it was recorded in the Co-op newsletter of September: “The non-bowlers were entertained by Iris Wadley, who was mimicking the mannerisms that some members of our party displayed whilst delivering their bowls and how some of the skips received the bowls at the head. We won’t mention the lead who bowled her wood before bowling the jack in an earlier game of the season!”
Subsequent tours included Tenby, 2003, Carlisle, 2004, Torquay, 2007, 2009, York 2008 and Bournemouth, 2010, 2011.
The Torquay tours were based at the Derwent Hotel. The company and food were excellent, and early risers were able to enjoy a pre-breakfast dip in the indoor pools.
The first match in 2009 was at King’s Bowling Club, with Danny Bower as captain.
This was a particularly interesting venue as it was here that the film Blackball was shot. It was based upon a real incident at this very club which had led to the banning of a player who had offended the bowling authorities. In real life it was Griff Saunders, who wrote the infamous inscription ‘tosser’ on a scorecard, directed at the Devon county secretary. In the film he was portrayed by the actor Paul Kaye playing the fictitious character Cliff Starkey. There is a splendid performance in the film from James Cromwell playing the traditional club captain whom Starkey beats in the singles final and, yes, insults by writing ‘tosser’ on the card.
Today the incident is remembered in the club house by news cuttings and photographs, and several club members participated in the film as extras! Anyway, the Kings v. Co-op game was so evenly contested that it was level on shots, 113 to 113, and rinks, three apiece.
Many bowling clubs have struggled to maintain viable membership numbers in the new Millennium, something that was highlighted by Tony Allcock, Chief Executive of the English Bowling Association, in 2004. At that point the Co-op had just 38 members, down 7 from the previous year. For the next few seasons membership hovered around the 40 mark, but in 2011 increased to 48, mainly due to the sad demise of Gloucester Civil Service, ten of whose members transferred to the Co-op club.
On tour
The club marked the new Millennium with a tour to Scotland from 25 August to 3 September 2000. It was based at the Rosemount Hotel, Pitlochry, and, apart from the bowling, featured visits to the Scottish Liqueur Centre, Caithness Glass near Perth, the Aberfeldy Distillery and Blair Athol Castle. Members played at eight different bowling clubs. The tour, organised by club Chairman Derek Shergold, was reckoned a great success, even though several members had to seek medical attention through a variety of accidents – nothing to do with the availability of good Scotch whisky, or so it was said!
Members continued to enjoy the regular bowls tours, the Scottish tour being followed by a visit to Mortehoe in 2001. One of the fixtures was at Coombe Martin, of which it was recorded in the Co-op newsletter of September: “The non-bowlers were entertained by Iris Wadley, who was mimicking the mannerisms that some members of our party displayed whilst delivering their bowls and how some of the skips received the bowls at the head. We won’t mention the lead who bowled her wood before bowling the jack in an earlier game of the season!”
Subsequent tours included Tenby, 2003, Carlisle, 2004, Torquay, 2007, 2009, York 2008 and Bournemouth, 2010, 2011.
The Torquay tours were based at the Derwent Hotel. The company and food were excellent, and early risers were able to enjoy a pre-breakfast dip in the indoor pools.
The first match in 2009 was at King’s Bowling Club, with Danny Bower as captain.
This was a particularly interesting venue as it was here that the film Blackball was shot. It was based upon a real incident at this very club which had led to the banning of a player who had offended the bowling authorities. In real life it was Griff Saunders, who wrote the infamous inscription ‘tosser’ on a scorecard, directed at the Devon county secretary. In the film he was portrayed by the actor Paul Kaye playing the fictitious character Cliff Starkey. There is a splendid performance in the film from James Cromwell playing the traditional club captain whom Starkey beats in the singles final and, yes, insults by writing ‘tosser’ on the card.
Today the incident is remembered in the club house by news cuttings and photographs, and several club members participated in the film as extras! Anyway, the Kings v. Co-op game was so evenly contested that it was level on shots, 113 to 113, and rinks, three apiece.
In 2010 and 2011 club members enjoyed a tour in Bournemouth, based at the Marsham Court Hotel.
Members appreciated the fine accommodation in this Bournemouth hotel, with the lucky ones having a sea view – even a balcony! The food was very good and the service excellent. Directly opposite was the Russell-Cotes museum, with its ‘High Victorian’ décor and fascinating collection of pictures and objects.
For the 2011 tour the coach arrived at the hotel within minutes of an identical one carrying Gloucestershire Presidents! As this occupied the hotel driveway the Co-op tour had to wait until the green blazers had made their way into reception. Had our vice-president not been five minutes late, roles would have been reversed!
After a few sandwiches and crisps off we went again to split into two groups, for a four-rink match at Richmond Park (captain: Derek Shergold) and a five rink game at Iford Bridge (captain: Tony Morris). Although the weather was showery both matches managed 10 ends before breaking for tea. Alas, down came the rain and play was abandoned. Co-op was 45-28 up at Iford at this point, with Margaret Morris’s rink winning 17-3.
Members appreciated the fine accommodation in this Bournemouth hotel, with the lucky ones having a sea view – even a balcony! The food was very good and the service excellent. Directly opposite was the Russell-Cotes museum, with its ‘High Victorian’ décor and fascinating collection of pictures and objects.
For the 2011 tour the coach arrived at the hotel within minutes of an identical one carrying Gloucestershire Presidents! As this occupied the hotel driveway the Co-op tour had to wait until the green blazers had made their way into reception. Had our vice-president not been five minutes late, roles would have been reversed!
After a few sandwiches and crisps off we went again to split into two groups, for a four-rink match at Richmond Park (captain: Derek Shergold) and a five rink game at Iford Bridge (captain: Tony Morris). Although the weather was showery both matches managed 10 ends before breaking for tea. Alas, down came the rain and play was abandoned. Co-op was 45-28 up at Iford at this point, with Margaret Morris’s rink winning 17-3.
Co-op put out six rinks at Moordown Bowling Club, under the captaincy of Colin Bruton. The situation was a pleasant one, the club, established in 1928, being adjacent to a park. However, the green was rather heavy and the home side won 111-105, level on rinks at 3-3.
The 2011 tour included a fixture at Bournemouth Electric, with Vice-president Ron Gardner as captain. The club was established in 1936, its club house rebuilt in 1963. The game was preceded by a ‘spider’, to take part in which members had to put in £1 each and have a cross marked on their hands! The first ten ends were played in bright but cloudy weather. Some nice home-made cakes were produced for tea adjacent to the green. Not long after the resumption of play it rained and the bowlers took shelter, to re-emerge to start the 14th end. It then absolutely tipped down and the match was abandoned, with Electric ahead on shots 89-79 and 3-2 on rinks. Mike Hancock, guest player from Caer Glow, was the best Co-op rink being 16-9 ahead.
Rain stopped play at Bournemouth Electric. Ron Gardner (third from left) looks to the heavens, more in hope than expectation; club chairman Derek Shergold, in dark top, is on the left.
Rain stopped play at Bournemouth Electric. Ron Gardner (third from left) looks to the heavens, more in hope than expectation; club chairman Derek Shergold, in dark top, is on the left.
An early start was called for on the final day, with cases loaded onto the coach around 7.30 am. In a repeat of the first day, two clubs were visited to accommodate all the rinks: four at Branksome Park (captain: Danny Bower); five at Boscombe Cliff (captain: Colin Bruton). Both matches were close, the score at Branksome being 79-74 and even closer at Boscombe, 86-85 to the Co-op. One of the Branksome rinks only played 20 ends due to pressure of time. The setting there was delightful, adjacent to the Chine with its beautiful trees. The club was established in 1926, but a ladies section was not formed until 2004. Boscombe, sited a stone’s throw from the sea, had been visited in 2010, and the tour party came back together here for a buffet lunch before the drive back to Gloucester.
Despite the weather, all were agreed that this had been a most enjoyable tour, a credit to the organization of Colin and Jan Bruton. The hotel was again excellent, with fine food every day. The final evening had been enlivened by Co-op captain Steve Allsopp who ‘fined’ many members for various ‘misdemeanours’, the £101 raised this year going to the charities ‘Winstones Wish’ and MacMillan Nurses. He had, prior to the tour, instituted a ‘Wrong Bias Club’, and this certainly helped towards the total.
Despite the weather, all were agreed that this had been a most enjoyable tour, a credit to the organization of Colin and Jan Bruton. The hotel was again excellent, with fine food every day. The final evening had been enlivened by Co-op captain Steve Allsopp who ‘fined’ many members for various ‘misdemeanours’, the £101 raised this year going to the charities ‘Winstones Wish’ and MacMillan Nurses. He had, prior to the tour, instituted a ‘Wrong Bias Club’, and this certainly helped towards the total.
The Glevum League
In 1999 application had been made for the Co-op to enter the local ‘Glevum League’ in 2000. This is a mixed competition of five rinks played on a Thursday evening, with points awarded for each winning rink and for the overall winner on shots in a game. The club struggled at first in what is a much more competitive environment than the bread and butter friendly matches. The first two seasons saw Co-op finish at the bottom of the pack, but things gradually improved over the next few years as a settled side was developed and Co-op bowlers gained in experience. By 2008 Co-op had secured sixth place in the League (out of ten), this based upon a very good start to the season when the club had amassed as many points by the end of June as in the whole of 2007!
For 2009 a new scoring system had been adopted for the League which put less emphasis on the overall shots win, so that the overall winner only scored 6 points instead of 10; two points per winning rink was retained, and one for a draw. The Co-op had the best season since entering the League, finishing in 4th place, having won ten matches out of 18. At one stage the club was in third place behind Gloucester City and Caer Glow, this following a clean sweep over Civil service on 18th June with victory on every rink and 112-81 on shots.
Co-op had another good season in 2010 finishing in fifth place on 149 points, winning nine games and drawing one. One memorable and most unexpected result was the win over Caer Glow in August, by 53 shots to 51. Members could not recall when Co-op ever came out winners in this local derby! Co-op had three winning rinks with one drawn. Jan Bruton led the way with a fine 15-5 win: the rink had Roger Boaler at lead followed by Sylvia Webb and Tony Morris. Margaret Morris won 11-8 and Steve Allsopp 11-10. Danny Bower drew 11-11 and Colin Bruton went down 5-17. A memorable evening indeed!
The 2011 season was rather disappointing, especially with the club having an increased membership and gaining players from Civil Service and Caer Glow. Co-op could only manage eighth place out of ten, finishing on 110 points, albeit only one point behind British Energy. The League was won by Gloucester City with 216 points over Caer Glow on 215. Co-op had lost to City 64-93 on shots in the final game, with City taking 14 out of the maximum 16 points; Caer Glow had been held to an 80-80 draw by Barnwood, mustering only 9 points.
For 2009 a new scoring system had been adopted for the League which put less emphasis on the overall shots win, so that the overall winner only scored 6 points instead of 10; two points per winning rink was retained, and one for a draw. The Co-op had the best season since entering the League, finishing in 4th place, having won ten matches out of 18. At one stage the club was in third place behind Gloucester City and Caer Glow, this following a clean sweep over Civil service on 18th June with victory on every rink and 112-81 on shots.
Co-op had another good season in 2010 finishing in fifth place on 149 points, winning nine games and drawing one. One memorable and most unexpected result was the win over Caer Glow in August, by 53 shots to 51. Members could not recall when Co-op ever came out winners in this local derby! Co-op had three winning rinks with one drawn. Jan Bruton led the way with a fine 15-5 win: the rink had Roger Boaler at lead followed by Sylvia Webb and Tony Morris. Margaret Morris won 11-8 and Steve Allsopp 11-10. Danny Bower drew 11-11 and Colin Bruton went down 5-17. A memorable evening indeed!
The 2011 season was rather disappointing, especially with the club having an increased membership and gaining players from Civil Service and Caer Glow. Co-op could only manage eighth place out of ten, finishing on 110 points, albeit only one point behind British Energy. The League was won by Gloucester City with 216 points over Caer Glow on 215. Co-op had lost to City 64-93 on shots in the final game, with City taking 14 out of the maximum 16 points; Caer Glow had been held to an 80-80 draw by Barnwood, mustering only 9 points.
Bowling Attire
An interesting feature of bowls in recent years has been the gradual move towards more informality in dress, away from the blazers and ties (men) and the pleated skirts and scarves (ladies). In 2003 the Co-op club was one of the first in Gloucestershire to adopt the new-style club shirts. The research for this was done by Colin and Jan Bruton. They came up with a short-sleeve white shirt, with striped shoulders and an embroidered badge. To facilitate the change it was agreed that everyone should be given one free shirt. Permission was given by the GBA to wear the new shirts, so long as all members playing did so in any one game.
The Green
In recent years Colin Bruton has undertaken the arduous task of green keeper. In 2007 he oversaw the installation of a new and automatic irrigation system. The cost, of just over £3000, was split three ways between the Co-op and Caer Glow, and the Joint Management Committee.
It was reported to the JMC in March 2007 that “quite a lot of damage has been caused to the green with the crows digging for insects”. This was a difficult year for bowlers in Gloucestershire, with the inclement weather culminating in the Great Flood of July 2007. Although Sisson Road escaped an inundation the Green suffered from the wet conditions as it encouraged mould and moss. Two club members had their homes flooded. The Tewkesbury and Pineholt clubs both had to close up when the floods covered their greens and entered their club houses.
It had rained heavily on Friday 20th July and Gloucestershire was soon experiencing some bad flooding. Tewkesbury was cut off by Sunday 22nd and flooding of the waterworks at The Mythe forced Severn Trent to shut off the water supply to Gloucester and Cheltenham. Remarkably eight Co-op bowlers travelled to Avonmouth that morning to fulfil a County Two-rink fixture. For the record, it finished level on shots, the rinks being: Peter Bloomfield (lead), Dennis Baker, Tony Morris, Colin Bruton (skip): 19-15 win; Roy Gunn (lead), Charles Wallace, Danny Bower, Simon Allsopp (skip): 20-24 loss.
By Monday the floods had worsened, with a threat to the county’s electricity supply as the emergency services fought to keep the water out of the Walham Electricity sub-station, which supplied over 100,000 people in Gloucestershire. Gloucester was now cut off from the west by flooding at the Westgate Bridges. Rather surprisingly the Gloucestershire Bowling Association still ran a coach to West Ealing for their friendly fixture against Middlesex (who won by ten shots). The club friendly away to Painswick on 28th was cancelled. By this time many people were obtaining drinking water from the many bowsers distributed around the streets and bottled water was being supplied, free, to collecting points. Nevertheless, the Gloucester Tournament still went ahead at the end of the month, for which the Sisson Road clubs were amongst the hosts.
The floods near Westgate Bridge
It was reported to the JMC in March 2007 that “quite a lot of damage has been caused to the green with the crows digging for insects”. This was a difficult year for bowlers in Gloucestershire, with the inclement weather culminating in the Great Flood of July 2007. Although Sisson Road escaped an inundation the Green suffered from the wet conditions as it encouraged mould and moss. Two club members had their homes flooded. The Tewkesbury and Pineholt clubs both had to close up when the floods covered their greens and entered their club houses.
It had rained heavily on Friday 20th July and Gloucestershire was soon experiencing some bad flooding. Tewkesbury was cut off by Sunday 22nd and flooding of the waterworks at The Mythe forced Severn Trent to shut off the water supply to Gloucester and Cheltenham. Remarkably eight Co-op bowlers travelled to Avonmouth that morning to fulfil a County Two-rink fixture. For the record, it finished level on shots, the rinks being: Peter Bloomfield (lead), Dennis Baker, Tony Morris, Colin Bruton (skip): 19-15 win; Roy Gunn (lead), Charles Wallace, Danny Bower, Simon Allsopp (skip): 20-24 loss.
By Monday the floods had worsened, with a threat to the county’s electricity supply as the emergency services fought to keep the water out of the Walham Electricity sub-station, which supplied over 100,000 people in Gloucestershire. Gloucester was now cut off from the west by flooding at the Westgate Bridges. Rather surprisingly the Gloucestershire Bowling Association still ran a coach to West Ealing for their friendly fixture against Middlesex (who won by ten shots). The club friendly away to Painswick on 28th was cancelled. By this time many people were obtaining drinking water from the many bowsers distributed around the streets and bottled water was being supplied, free, to collecting points. Nevertheless, the Gloucester Tournament still went ahead at the end of the month, for which the Sisson Road clubs were amongst the hosts.
The floods near Westgate Bridge
Friendly Fixtures
The ‘bread and butter’ for all bowling clubs, where all members can enjoy the sport, are the friendly matches.
Some interesting games:
Saturday 19th August 2006 was a day of sunshine with heavy showers. Members drove to Fairford in anticipation of a match on an excellent green, in good company and with the promise of a nice meal to follow. Although the green bowled well the rain came down so that everyone trooped off after around 13 ends. A curious and amusing phenomenon about this game was the presence on the green and in the ditches of literally hundreds of tiny (and some not so tiny) frogs and toads. Interestingly, in 1660 it is on record that there was also “a plague of frogs” in Fairford as mentioned in contemporary pamphlets. This followed immediately upon the Restoration of King Charles II and two of the writers who mentioned it saw the invasion by these amphibians as a visitation from God in revenge against the failure by the lord of the manor and a local JP to protect the separatist congregations there from harassment by an unruly mob. In 2006, frogs and toads notwithstanding, Co-op won on shots 53-52 and Fairford on rinks.
Tony Morris - Club Captain 200 - 2002 & 2004 - 2009
A bowls tea awaits the eight players from Rink No.1 in the Co-op club house. ‘High Teas’ are a nice feature of bowling, building upon the sociability of the game itself. There is a pleasing ritual about them. At the conclusion of the meal both Captains say a few words, thanking those who provided the meal and the members who manned the bar. Depending upon the individual a joke (often rather naughty!) may be told. The raffle follows, the prizes normally a bottle of whisky, a bottle of wine and a box of chocolates. Inevitably the first number drawn brings out cries of “take the chocolates” – but, of course, it is usually the whisky that goes. This is followed by “Co-op members only” and the draw to see which member of the home rink on each table gets to do the washing up! Members of the home side will have bought their opposite numbers a drink when coming in from the Green and the opposition should then return the compliment.
Some memorable wins:
2009: The season included double wins over Sir Thomas Rich’s and Victory Park in June. The first of these featured a convincing 107-59 victory, with Bruton skips notching up notable scores: Jan Bruton, 32-7 and Colin Bruton 29-6. There were also impressive wins in July against Cheltenham [Suffolk Square] 116-79 and Bishops Cleeve by 58 shots. The victory over Cheltenham was largely due to good scores on two Co-op rinks. Roger Boaler (lead), Sharon Hancock, Vera Bower and Colin Bruton (skip) won 35-6, their opponents failing to score until the tenth end. Chris Beard (lead), Pam Bloomfield, Dennis Baker and Danny Bower (skip) won 27-9. The highest scoring rink at home to Cleeve – Kath Oates (lead), Pam Bloomfield, Peter Bloomfield and Danny Bower (skip) - won 31-6; they were 2-5 down after six ends but their opponents failed to score again until the 16th.
Another good win was registered in September, at home to Cinderford. Co-op won the match, cancelling out the heavy defeat suffered away on 20 June, by winning on all five rinks, the margin on shots being 120-81. Two of the rinks were very close, with only one shot difference. The best rink was Kath Oates (lead), Margaret Wallace, Vera Bower and Steve Allsopp. They won by 30 shots to 11.
The author, Peter Bloomfield, with opposing Cinderford no. 3, Arthur Rigby on rink no. 2 before the game at Sisson Road in September 2009. The Co-op four won 18-17, having been 11-17 down after 19 ends! Peter was Club Secretary from 2000 to 2008.
2009: The season included double wins over Sir Thomas Rich’s and Victory Park in June. The first of these featured a convincing 107-59 victory, with Bruton skips notching up notable scores: Jan Bruton, 32-7 and Colin Bruton 29-6. There were also impressive wins in July against Cheltenham [Suffolk Square] 116-79 and Bishops Cleeve by 58 shots. The victory over Cheltenham was largely due to good scores on two Co-op rinks. Roger Boaler (lead), Sharon Hancock, Vera Bower and Colin Bruton (skip) won 35-6, their opponents failing to score until the tenth end. Chris Beard (lead), Pam Bloomfield, Dennis Baker and Danny Bower (skip) won 27-9. The highest scoring rink at home to Cleeve – Kath Oates (lead), Pam Bloomfield, Peter Bloomfield and Danny Bower (skip) - won 31-6; they were 2-5 down after six ends but their opponents failed to score again until the 16th.
Another good win was registered in September, at home to Cinderford. Co-op won the match, cancelling out the heavy defeat suffered away on 20 June, by winning on all five rinks, the margin on shots being 120-81. Two of the rinks were very close, with only one shot difference. The best rink was Kath Oates (lead), Margaret Wallace, Vera Bower and Steve Allsopp. They won by 30 shots to 11.
The author, Peter Bloomfield, with opposing Cinderford no. 3, Arthur Rigby on rink no. 2 before the game at Sisson Road in September 2009. The Co-op four won 18-17, having been 11-17 down after 19 ends! Peter was Club Secretary from 2000 to 2008.
Special Days
Two special features of the Co-op club in recent years have been Triples Day in June and Club Finals Day in September, where the hard work of Margaret Morris (Club Competitions Secretary), supported by husband Tony, help to make these occasions to remember.
Margaret Morris, winner of the 2008 Ladies two-wood trophy. As Competitions Secretary, Margaret once makes all the arrangements for Finals Day (ably assisted by Club Captain Tony Morris) and ensures that all the matches leading up to it are played in due time – an unenviable task!
Two special features of the Co-op club in recent years have been Triples Day in June and Club Finals Day in September, where the hard work of Margaret Morris (Club Competitions Secretary), supported by husband Tony, help to make these occasions to remember.
Margaret Morris, winner of the 2008 Ladies two-wood trophy. As Competitions Secretary, Margaret once makes all the arrangements for Finals Day (ably assisted by Club Captain Tony Morris) and ensures that all the matches leading up to it are played in due time – an unenviable task!
Club Finals 2009: Vera Bower in one of her two finals against Jan Bruton; behind, Steve Allsopp delivers a wood in the Bill Harris Cup against Roy Gunn.
Gloucester Co-operative Employees Sports and Social Club Minute Books:
1933-1943, 1944-1958, 1958-1975
Gloucester & Severnside Co-op Bowling Club records:
Committee & AGM minutes 1987-93, 1994-98, 1999-2002, 2003-04,
2005-07, 2008.
General administration records, 1981-82, 1988-2006
Membership records 1987-92, 2000-07
Joint Management Committee minutes (Secretary’s copies), 2004-08
Glevum League records [Secretary’s copies] 1999-2008
GBA minutes, with papers concerning County games played 2002-08
EBA/Bowls England correspondence & newsletters 1994,1999,2002-08
Greens Committee minutes 1992-93, with maintenance record, 1997-2000
Gloucester & Severnside Co-op Newsletters, number 1-5, 2000-01
Despite extensive enquiries, and the acquisition of some bowling records from the estates of George White and Andy Andrews, the whereabouts of Club records prior to 1987 are unknown. The older Club records are now on deposit with the Gloucestershire Archives Service at their premises in Alvin Street, Gloucester.
Joint Management Committee:
Minutes & correspondence 1993-96, 1996-2000, 2004-08
Lionel Davis: comments made in a conversation with Peter Bloomfield on 20 June 2006. Lionel has served as Club President since 2006. He was President of the Gloucester Indoor Bowling Association 1988-89.
Ron Gardner, in conversation with Peter Bloomfield on 2 July 2009
Mrs. Do Bennett: recollections of the club extension of 1991
Peter Bloomfield: personal diaries, 1997 to date
Keith Bedford: records given to the Club in 2008 including photographs of club tours, a 1993 fixtures card with 1992 Competition winners and runners up, and a 1997 ‘Golden Anniversary’ Fixture Card annotated with some match results.
Statistics on numbers of games played, with details of winners and runners up on finals days, supplied by Club Captain Tony Morris and Competitions Secretary Margaret Morris
Co-op results for Men’s County League and Senior Citizens 2008 season from Roy Gunn and Danny Bower
Gloucestershire Archives:
Gloucester Borough records:
Chamberlain’s Accounts GBR F4/5
Corporation Minutes, 1565-1632 GBR B3/1 f522v, f546v
Gloucester Diocesan records: GDR 93
Gloucester Bowling Club records: D9847
The Victoria History of the County of Gloucester, Vol. IV: The City of Gloucester, edited by N.M. Herbert, Oxford University Press 1988. pages 80, 97, 107, 157, 217-218, 291
Bowls England Newsletters, numbers 1-3, 2003-04
The Citizen:
7 January 2004 [article on Greyfriars Bowling Club]
30 June 2004 [article on Painswick Falcon Bowling Club]
4-11 August 2008 [Gloucester Tournament and Glevum League]
13 September 2008
13 May, 6, 15 June 2009 [Glevum League]
17 June [County]
29 July [County]
Gloucestershire Bowling Association: results/league tables, 2008-09 seasons,
Gloucestershire County Bowls League: results and tables, 2010 season, from for results in Glevum League and the Gloucestershire Ladies League: ; also
A.R. Warmington Civil War, Interregnum and Restoration in Gloucestershire 1640-1672 [The Royal Historical Society: The Boydell Press, 1997].
The First 700 Years: Southampton (Old) Bowling Green [Booklet printed by New Forest Printing, July 1999]
Gloucestershire Bowling Association Year Books
Gloucester Co-operative Employees Sports and Social Club Minute Books:
1933-1943, 1944-1958, 1958-1975
Gloucester & Severnside Co-op Bowling Club records:
Committee & AGM minutes 1987-93, 1994-98, 1999-2002, 2003-04,
2005-07, 2008.
General administration records, 1981-82, 1988-2006
Membership records 1987-92, 2000-07
Joint Management Committee minutes (Secretary’s copies), 2004-08
Glevum League records [Secretary’s copies] 1999-2008
GBA minutes, with papers concerning County games played 2002-08
EBA/Bowls England correspondence & newsletters 1994,1999,2002-08
Greens Committee minutes 1992-93, with maintenance record, 1997-2000
Gloucester & Severnside Co-op Newsletters, number 1-5, 2000-01
Despite extensive enquiries, and the acquisition of some bowling records from the estates of George White and Andy Andrews, the whereabouts of Club records prior to 1987 are unknown. The older Club records are now on deposit with the Gloucestershire Archives Service at their premises in Alvin Street, Gloucester.
Joint Management Committee:
Minutes & correspondence 1993-96, 1996-2000, 2004-08
Lionel Davis: comments made in a conversation with Peter Bloomfield on 20 June 2006. Lionel has served as Club President since 2006. He was President of the Gloucester Indoor Bowling Association 1988-89.
Ron Gardner, in conversation with Peter Bloomfield on 2 July 2009
Mrs. Do Bennett: recollections of the club extension of 1991
Peter Bloomfield: personal diaries, 1997 to date
Keith Bedford: records given to the Club in 2008 including photographs of club tours, a 1993 fixtures card with 1992 Competition winners and runners up, and a 1997 ‘Golden Anniversary’ Fixture Card annotated with some match results.
Statistics on numbers of games played, with details of winners and runners up on finals days, supplied by Club Captain Tony Morris and Competitions Secretary Margaret Morris
Co-op results for Men’s County League and Senior Citizens 2008 season from Roy Gunn and Danny Bower
Gloucestershire Archives:
Gloucester Borough records:
Chamberlain’s Accounts GBR F4/5
Corporation Minutes, 1565-1632 GBR B3/1 f522v, f546v
Gloucester Diocesan records: GDR 93
Gloucester Bowling Club records: D9847
The Victoria History of the County of Gloucester, Vol. IV: The City of Gloucester, edited by N.M. Herbert, Oxford University Press 1988. pages 80, 97, 107, 157, 217-218, 291
Bowls England Newsletters, numbers 1-3, 2003-04
The Citizen:
7 January 2004 [article on Greyfriars Bowling Club]
30 June 2004 [article on Painswick Falcon Bowling Club]
4-11 August 2008 [Gloucester Tournament and Glevum League]
13 September 2008
13 May, 6, 15 June 2009 [Glevum League]
17 June [County]
29 July [County]
Gloucestershire Bowling Association: results/league tables, 2008-09 seasons,
Gloucestershire County Bowls League: results and tables, 2010 season, from for results in Glevum League and the Gloucestershire Ladies League: ; also
A.R. Warmington Civil War, Interregnum and Restoration in Gloucestershire 1640-1672 [The Royal Historical Society: The Boydell Press, 1997].
The First 700 Years: Southampton (Old) Bowling Green [Booklet printed by New Forest Printing, July 1999]
Gloucestershire Bowling Association Year Books